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Eye center presents z-lasik

A lot of people who are bothered by near-sightedness consider getting laser surgery to correct their vision.

However, because traditional laser surgery for near-sightedness may lead to some side-effects, such as sensitivity to light and swollen corneas, Eye Center introduced the latest eye laser technology to the public, called “z-lasik.”

The innovative technology ”z-lasik” is different from traditional operations. It produces smoother corneas and also reduces the annoyances of photosensitivity and pain, said Chiou Li-shawn, doctor of Eye Center, adding that while the operation fees are less expensive compared to traditional eye laser surgery, it provides better quality.

Chiou also reminded people that no matter what kind of eye laser surgery they are receiving, to avoid corneas being pressed out of shape, they should not wear contact lenses for a week before receiving treatment, while hard lens users should stop wearing contacts for two weeks.

Universal Eye Center
Add: 2F, No. 72, Chungshaio W.Rd., Taipei
Tel: 23752558

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